Your Road to Wellness: Tanysha Smith

image of Tanysha Smith

Image courtesy of Erik Rasmussen

Wellness is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. And the “Your Road to Wellness” feature highlights people from all walks of life and their thoughts on wellness. (Would you like to be featured or know of someone who would be a good fit? Let me know!)

This week, let’s catch up with Tanysha Smith, a full-time fitness coach — and my go-to instructor for SoulCycle’s at-home classes on the Equinox+ platform.

Q: Who is your wellness inspiration? 

I’m going to have to say Angela Bassett. She is power and grace, and ages like fine wine!

Q: What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self about wellness? 

Wellness is about moderation, and it’s personal. You don’t have to be any one label or ascribe to only eating this or never eating that. You can be someone who mainly eats this and sometimes indulges in that. I used to place hard labels on myself. Then, I’d subsequently feel bad if I chose to change the makeup of my diet and would get caught up in how people would perceive me if they saw me indulging in something “frowned upon.”

Q: What do you typically do for exercise? 

Cardio has been my main source of training, and I get it in through my classes at SoulCycle and running. But, over the last six months I’ve been getting back into a balanced strength training routine. For this, I work with a trainer at Body Evolved and take some group fitness classes at The Fort.

Q: What do you consider your greatest wellness indulgence and why? 

Napping is definitely my greatest wellness indulgence. I sometimes struggle with staying asleep, so I prioritize my schedule to ensure 20 to 30-minute naps almost daily. If my body requires a nap, I will even move a meeting!

Q: What is your greatest self-care/wellness challenge, and how do you deal with it? 

Adequate water intake is an ongoing struggle for. I’m on the go frequently. So, a large container that doesn’t fit in my bag is not practical — nor are the frequent trips to the washroom. I find it helpful to drink hot tea throughout the day. It helps to slow me down, mentally and physically. After all, you can’t go anywhere fast with a hot cup of tea!

Q: What resource (e.g., website, blog, book, etc.) do you look to for wellness/self-care and why? 

The internet has no shortage of information. But, I find it helpful to pick the brains of friends and coaches actively working in the wellness field I may have an inquiry on. The National Academy of Sports Medicine does a some incredible Facebook Live and Instagram Live coffee chats and workshops. Much of my wellness/self-care resources are centered more around managing the mind and thoughts vs. the body, We have to decide in the mind first, and the body will follow the directions and commands given. How we speak to ourselves, how we self motivate, and how we build strength in the mind all dictate how we motivate and move the body. A few of my go-to books include the following: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter, Destiny: Step Into Your Purpose by T.D. Jakes, The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Q: Which do you prefer to drink — green juice or bubbly? Why? 

Oh, this feels like a trick question! (Insert smile!) I think there’s a time and place for both, and both can have a tartness — which I love. I’m torn. But, if I have to choose, I’ll go with champagne, because I’m allergic to a lot of fruit and some vegetables.

Q: If you received $1 million to use for your wellness/self-care, how would you spend it? 

I would build my own wellness center, complete with an infrared sauna, steam room, cryotherapy chamber, and a cold plunge pool.

Whether you’re looking for a morning filled with fitness; healthy food; and an IV therapy, or an indulgent afternoon that includes a massage; pedicure; and glass of bubbly, I’m here to make your personalized wellness dream a reality.


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