6 Spa Directors Share Favorite Self-Care Products

screenshot of Vacayou Magazine home page that includes 6 spa director self-care product picks

Pedicures, facials and exfoliating body treatments. These are just a few of the services we had to give up as spas shut their doors due to Covid-19. So, what products do beauty industry pros rely on during self-isolation that we should all incorporate into our pandemic-friendly self-care routines? Find out what six leaders of luxury destination spas recommend as their favorite self-care products in this piece I wrote for Vacayou Magazine.

P.S. Looking for a personalized approach to your wellness experience? I’ve spent a decade working as a wellness journalist — visiting more than 50 spas from Vail to Vienna — and 20 years in the fitness industry. The picks for my City Wellness Guides are based on my experience.


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